Current Newsletter Articles :: July 2024

Image for Nagging Sacroiliac Pain and Abnormal Posture Helped with Chiropractic

Nagging Sacroiliac Pain and Abnormal Posture Helped with Chiropractic

The Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research published the results of a case study on June 17, 2024, documenting the improvement is postural irregularities and nagging sacroiliac pain with chiropractic care. The sacroiliac joints, often called the "SI" joints, are the joints where the two hip bones (ilium) come together with the base bone of the spine. . . Read More
Image for Chiropractic Care Helps Toddler with Numerous Neurological Dysfunctions

Chiropractic Care Helps Toddler with Numerous Neurological Dysfunctions

On July 1, 2024, the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic published the results of a case that documented a toddler's improvement, with chiropractic, of a variety of neurological issues and developmental delays. The study begins by explaining, "Developmental delay occurs when a child does not achieve developmental milestones. . . Read More
Image for Improvements in Anxiety and Suicidal Inclinations in a Young Girl Undergoing Chiropractic

Improvements in Anxiety and Suicidal Inclinations in a Young Girl Undergoing Chiropractic

The Asia-Pacific Chiropractic Journal published the results of a case study on June 27, 2024, that documented the dramatic improvement with chiropractic of a young girl who was suffering with severe anxiety, and who had suicidal inclinations. The authors of this study begin by noting how common mental health issues are in the adolescent population,. . . Read More
Image for Chiropractic Helps Baby Boy with Digestive, Sleep, and Mood Issues

Chiropractic Helps Baby Boy with Digestive, Sleep, and Mood Issues

On June 27, 2024, the Asia-Pacific Chiropractic Journal published the results of a case study documenting a baby boy's improvement with issues of sleep, muscle strength, mood, and digestion. Chiropractic care for infants and babies has become more widespread over the past several years. The authors of this study begin by explaining the need for. . . Read More