Helping Your Child Escape the 'Perfect Storm'

Dr. John's biggest passion and area of expertise is pediatric chiropractic. Specifically, it's helping kids (and their families) in our community who are going through what we call 'the perfect storm', a group whose numbers are unfortunately growing and expanding at unprecedented rates. This article uncovers how Dr. John and his team help to get kids 'out' of that storm so they can live the life they deserve.

Perfect storm kiddos can be found everywhere today- in your child’s classroom, on the soccer field at practice, at the community pool. At our office, we see perfect storm kids with significant behavior, focus, and sensory processing disorders. We see countless perfect storm kids with allergies and asthma so severe that leaving home without their inhaler and epi-pen is no longer an option anymore. Kids that aren’t allowed to be kids.

Even the 'less severe' kiddos in our community are still constantly sick. These kids are easy to spot: they are tired and worn-out with bags under their eyes and tissues under their nose. You can just look at these poor kids and see how sick and stressed they are, filled with anxiety at any little change in schedule or environment.

Why are so many kids so sick and stressed? More importantly, what can we do to change that for your child and others? How do we get them out of this 'perfect storm' they’re facing like never before?

It’s simple (but not easy): find the cause(s) and reverse them.

These challenges aren’t caused by genetics, or bad luck, or anything else. Good health doesn’t just come from good genes: it comes from good choices. Unfortunately, the choices most parents are told to make are ones that merely  'avoid' illness instead of BUILDING health!

Kids today are bombarded with what we call the 3Ts- Traumas, Toxins, and Thoughts (stress) - and their nervous systems are so stressed and overwhelmed by these factors that they lose their ability to ADAPT to the 3Ts and overcome them.

That being said, the very first step towards getting kids well again is to reverse that process just described. As Pediatric Chiropractors, we take a vastly different approach towards accomplishing that goal: we focus on building health from within, versus just trying to employ more “dodge ball” type strategies (avoiding germs and illness, which are everywhere!)

Our main goal in caring for these kids is to start on the 'inside' by strengthening the health of their most important system: the Central (Autonomic) Nervous System. As the brain and nervous system regain their health and function, they then strengthen the other key systems of the body that these kiddos struggle with: the Immune System, Digestive System, Respiratory System, and Endocrine System.

Most of the 'perfect storm' kids we see also suffer heavily with allergies, respiratory infections and breathing issues like asthma, as well as GI problems like constipation and indigestion. The key to healing ALL of these systems is to start with the main 'hard drive' of the body- the Central Nervous System.

So, the way to get your child out of the “perfect storm” he or she may have been stuck in for years is to simply reverse the course:

1. Get the health of their Central Nervous System evaluated by a trained Pediatric Chiropractor like Dr. John. 

We are the only profession that has this focus, and thus has the training and technology to analyze and detect any and all areas of interference to the health and function of this critically important system. Chiropractic, as done in offices like ours, is not the chiropractic of old. Today we offer cutting-edge technology and diagnostic testing no different than you would get by seeing a specialist in any other element of health care.

2. Significantly reduce their exposure to the 3Ts, and increase their exposure to the opposite of those – regular physical activity and exercise, clean and nutritious food, and fun, laugh-inducing activities!

3. Once you start, don’t look back. Keep plugging along until your child is 'out' and has their health restored and reconnected!

***Your child’s sickness and their suffering is very likely due to multiple factors that added up over a course of time. In turn, it’s going to take multiple things applied over a course of time to get your child healthy and well again. It’s not quick and easy, but it IS possible and IS worth it.

Parents, please think about giving Pediatric Chiropractic a chance to help get your child well. If they suffered birth trauma of any sort (forceps, vacuum, C-section) early on, it’s even more likely that chiropractic can help them immensely.

I understand that as a Pediatric Chiropractor I’m partial- it’s what I do for a living- but I’ve also experienced it. From my personal experience I can tell you that in now hundreds of 'perfect storm' cases, we’ve been able to safety and effectively help these kiddos. In these hundreds of cases, getting their child under care has been the single most important thing a family has done to get their child out of that storm.

Some parents just won’t give us a chance to help stop their child’s suffering, but those that do often never leave us because the results are so profound and life changing for their child and their entire family family. If you’re reading this and your own child is sick and suffering, I hope that you’ll give us a chance to help allow them to live life as a kid again. Request your consultation with Dr. John here, or call our office at (518) 383-5595.